Wednesday, July 11, 2012

For the love of a good bike

Way back in 1984 when I was still living in Quincy, Illinois I bought a Trek 420 touring bike from Swallows bike shop on (I think) 12th and York.  It is an amazing bike.  I have put thousands of miles on it over the years.  It was nothing for me to hop on and ride 100 miles with no next morning side effects.  I love this bike.  However, a few years ago Nancy and I went on a 75 mile ride and it just about killed me.  Hard to believe, but my body has changed a tiny bit (sarcasm) in the past 28 years.  The bike is still in fantastic shape but it just does not do it for me anymore.  I started trying out lots of different bikes but did not find one that really felt "right."  So the old bike did not feel good and no other bikes did either.  Until.....

My hero, let's call him Bob,  introduced me to this bike.  It is a 100% recycled bike.  The frame is a 1993 Cannondale mountain bike frame with a bunch of techweenie components.  Bob works at a local bike shop and sometimes gets spare parts from here and there.  This bike (the red one...the purple one belongs to Nancy) has reinvigorated my desire to ride.  Even though it was not made specifically for me (it was made for Bob's squeeze) it fits like nothing I have ever experienced.  I am totally in love.  I have been riding it to work and have been taking long rides after I get off, mostly up the South Hill.  I am excited about riding again.  I have been taking it on dirt and paved roads.  Since I have been riding it my knees have not been hurting at all.  It is pretty amazing.  I am so happy with it I just had to share.


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