Day Mountain
I am beginning to appreciate Mt. Spokane State Park more and more these days. Since it is hunting season at the moment Walter and I are staying away from the national forests. Several years ago Walter and I went over to Idaho to hike Chilco Mountain. I did not realize at the time that Idaho and Washington have different start dates for hunting. We got to the trailhead and there were pick up trucks all over the place. I talked to a couple of hunters who said they were getting out of there because there were too many hunters and most of them were drunk.
So in an attempt to avoid getting our heads blown off we went up to Mt. Spokane and hiked to Day Mountain. I had never been on top of the mountain though I have been to the top of neighboring Kit Carson and I have walked around the base. It was a real treat. I parked at the campground and took 130 to the loop road to the toilet junction. Everything is turning gold and the day was sunny and beautiful. There is no sign for where 130
splits off and heads to Day Mountain which is probably one reason the trail is still in such good shape and not torn up from fat tires. There are several lovely little meadows on the mountain and in spots the trail is hard to see among the bear grass. The trail goes up and over the mountain and then to a beautiful rocky overlook. From there the trail turns and heads down the side of the mountain to the loop road in the vicinity of the private logging area. In all it was about a six mile hike on pretty level trail. There were quite a few people out hiking and quite a few horses. I had to give directions to a few folks. The trails can be sort of goofy. We will probably keep hiking up there for
the rest of the fall and for some snow shoeing. Which reminds me, I can't find my snow shoes...
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