Winter Solstice and Other Things
This evening was the Winter Solstice and once again I sang with a Solstice choir. Pretty cool. I had a solo which was fun. I am not sure how many people were there this year...just guessing around 300 or so. We had way more last year though. It is always the highlight of my winter season. After belting out about 18 songs tonight
my voice is pretty wrecked and I totally wound up.
Walter and I have not been getting out much at all. Pretty much the only thing we have done is house switch with Nancy. She has a cool cabin up in the woods and I have been going up there about once a week just to have some time alone and be in the mountains. Nancy and I went up there together today and cut down a Christmas tree. It is a total Charlie Brown tree that we got out of a cluster that needed to be thinned out. Only one side has branches. While I was there I shot some pictures because every other time I
went up I had forgotten my camera. The last time I was there a big storm blew through and the electricity went off at about 4 in the morning. Because she does not have her woodburning stove hooked up yet I was sort of frozen by the time I got up. The time before that there was also a pretty big storm and I had a hard time getting down even with 4WD and big ass studded tires. But on the way down I saw a moose in the road, a bunch of deer, and some wild turkeys. She has had moose and bear prints in the mud outside her cabin.
Since my internship is with a school district I have a couple of weeks off. I am planning on getting some trim put up in the house and the paint finished in the kitchen. I might even go get some tiles at the Habitat store and replace the missing ones in the kitchen. I also hope to make it up into the mountains to have some snow fun. My snow shoes are still missing so I will probably just have to ski. Oh well. Or maybe I will just sit on the couch and do nothing. That sounds like a good plan as well.
So the pictures from today are: Mt. Spokane from Nancy's driveway...though you can't really see it because it was so snow covered and bright but it should be right in the middle between the parting in the bushes; Nancy cutting down the Charlie Brown tree; and the cute little cabin that has the wonderful fence that I knocked together from old fence scraps that someone got from someone who got them for free; Calvin aka Hugo the 500 year old chihuahua who seems to have claimed me as his own.
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