Broken Bubble
Last week was a total bummer. Over a year ago Nancy and I picked up three "breeder" dogs from this horrible f*&% head in Montana. This was our second go around with that idiot. Elliot came from the first batch of 3 we got. The last batch included two females and one male. The male and one female both went to absolutely fantastic homes. One of the mothers calls us all the time to give updates. Bubble was a different story completely. She had originally come from a puppymill in Idaho that was eventually busted. She was then acquired by the f*&% head as a breeder, but because Bubble had never had any human contact no one could do anything with her. She basically had to be caught whenever it was needed, which was probably never. My guess is that shit for brains probably groomed her only once and that was before we picked her up.
Finding a home for Bubble became a challenge. She needed someone very experienced with dogs. It took a few months before she would actually come into the house if we were standing by the door. We were never really able to pet her unless she was upstairs on a dog bed, and then she was terrified. We had to corner her for baths and grooming and taking her out of the house was impossible. When we had her spayed we had to get her into a crate and carry the crate out to the car. Other times when she needed a vet we had the vet come to the house. A leash sent her into a complete frenzy. And she was a biter. Most of it was when she was scared, which was a lot of the time. Nancy, our house sitter Jamie and I had all been bitten by her and I was afraid that she was going to remove my sister's face when she was here to visit. Seth got the worst bite after she ran up behind him and bit him in the leg as he was walking out the door. We never found anyone willing to put in the time or who had the experience to deal with her. We even tried putting her on doggy drugs. There were numerous times when I was afraid of her.
Last week, after mulling it over for about 9 months, and giving Bubble our time and effort for well over a year, we had the vet come over and put her to sleep. We could have easily found her a home on Craigslist, but she would have been abused or ended up euthanized anyway because of the biting. All of this happened, her birth and life and death, because some shitballs were using animals as a source of income, as a commodity. She was supposed to be a bitch producing 'oodle puppies for the 'oodle fad. Instead she had a miserable life. I am so angry. Another sad part of it is that in the big picture, her life was not as horrid as many dogs on the planet. As far as we could tell she did not seem to have been abused, just given about as much regard and attention as a goldfish in a bowl at the fair. When the vet came over I had to leave the house and let Nancy take care of it. It has been a weird few weeks.
Walter and Elliot have been on a few walks, but nothing very big. My old camera pretty much bit the dust so I bought a new one. It is fancy. A Nikon Coolpix L110. The best thing about it is the telephoto and macro ability. Here are some pictures I took out and about Spokane. One set is from the Japanese Garden where I went when Bubble was being put to sleep.