Wednesday, October 15, 2008


That just about sums it up. I can start breathing again.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Slice and Dice

Nancy had her surgery last Thursday. We figured we would have the results of the biopsies by today but so far no word. She did well with the surgery but she had a really sore throat from being intubated and has not been able to breath out of her nose for several days. She cannot do any physical activity for another week and a half and let me tell you, she is going nuts and driving me crazy. This is a woman who goes to the gym every single day. She is also convinced the anesthesiologist knocked her front teeth loose with the tube. The doctor showed me the photos from the nasal cyst and that was pretty cool. I got to eat really bad for me food from the hospital cafeteria while I was waiting. Ummmm, bacon.

I am not sure when Walter and I are going to get out again. The weather here has gotten really cold. This past weekend I worked on my canoe shed, putting a new roof on it and making new doors that are easier to open than wooden pallets. I just had the wood gunwales repaired on the canoe and want to keep it back in the shed again. One of these days I will actually have a garage to store my stuff in. I have also been working on my Jeep. I have it running again and it actually passed the emissions test. I have been driving it to work. I still need to replace the power steering pump, but for now I just keep adding fluid when it gets low. Oh, and my garden is officially done for the summer. I still have some lettuce growing but I picked all the green tomatoes. The potatoes are being stored as of now under the soil, then I suppose in a few weeks I will have to figure out what to do with them. Probably can most of them.

Hopefully by tomorrow we will know about the biopsy and I can once again return to hanging out with Walter. I will let you know.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Darker Side of Life

Well, it turns out that what is lurking in Nancy's sinus cavity is not a wad of snot, but rather some sort of polyp. The doctor let me look at it through the scope and it is nice and pink and healthy looking. I am not too worried about it. However, I am a bit concerned that the CAT scan was not completely accurate. It appeared to both the doctor and me that the marker was placed in the wrong spot. No lump at all showed up on the CAT scan. It should have. Nancy is having surgery next week to remove the polyp in her sinuses and the lump on her neck. This has brought up a lot of stuff, not least of which is my own struggle with PTSD. This has made me realize how tightly wound I normally am. I am back to adrenaline rushes when I hear the phone ring or a loud noise, something that plagued me for about a year and a half after Morgan died. I know, chances are it will be nothing. But it is hard to keep my head out of the dark place. Tough mental work. Sucks.
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