Marie Creek
When we got there again today the trailhead parking lot was full of horse trailers. The trail is maintained by the Panhandle Backcountry Horsemen but we only saw 7 horsewomen on the trail. That was pretty cool. Walter and I always stand off to the lower side of the trail and make sure they all know we are there. The trail is really great, but I do not advise hiking it on a really hot summer afternoon. Morning or evening would be great, not 1:00pm. The first mile and a half or so is pretty hot as the trail climbs up and over a ridge to the creek valley and has minimal shade is spots. I actually got a
wee bit too hot and did not have a normal cool down once we got into the shady valley. Can anyone say heat exhaustion? I was probably heading in that direction.
Walter and I walked along the creek for about another mile and a half, through a really cool meadow and along the edge of basalt slopes. We walked almost to Skitwash Creek. There are several nice camping spots on the edges of the first meadow. Unfortunately one of them has a lot of junk that was hauled in by horses and not taken back out (a huge foot locker and a big-ass tent). We also saw this really weird metal
pyramid thing made out of fence posts that had fencing on it. It did not look to be over anything special, such as a rare orchid or anything and I don't think anyone was growing pole beans in the meadow. Really weird. If anyone knows what it could be let me know. It comes up to about my chin.
Even though the trail parallels the creek, it is not really within contact of it for most of the hike. There is a great spot before the trail heads back up over the ridge to the trailhead that is perfect for getting wet. I soaked myself and got Walter wet, then we found a shady spot in the breeze and had a bit of a rest and some snacks. While we were resting there were two hawks doing battle in the air above us. It was so weird. I heard them making noise and thought that maybe we were too close to the nest but as I watched I realized they were fighting each other. Maybe they were mating and it was some violent hawk mating ritual, but it seems a bit early for that sort of thing to be happening. It was really wild to watch and incredibly loud.
I am not sure what the next few weeks looks like. This coming weekend I will be replacing the brakes on the Festiva. I have been told the front are easier than the back and I have successfully replaced the back brakes before. Maybe we will get in some fun on Sunday. I am really liking this no homework thing in the evening!!!!!
Pictures from top to bottom: Wally in the water; looking down into the Marie Creek valley from the ridge above; three trail shots; the meadow; the goofy pyramid thing (note the flowers around it...they covered the meadow).