Playing in the Snow
and a thermos of really sweet mint tea. We hung out in the trees for a bit listening to the quiet and then meandered over to a cliff above the lake. I was sort of shocked to see the lake frozen and covered with snow. It just does not seem like it has been cold enough. There were some spots that were not frozen that can be seen in the picture.
After our little rest (man, walking in the snow and the cold wind really makes you tired), I brushed all the big snowballs off Walter's legs and we walked back through the trees along the cliffs over the lake. I like walking in these areas where I do not have to stick to a trail and fear getting lost. I was totally lost and alone it the woods when I was 11 and that inside terror is something I never want to repeat.
We had a good time. I think this would be an excellent area for winter camping and pulling in a bunch of warm stuff on a sled. But of course, given the freak that went through my stuff last March when I was camping out here, I don't think I will be doing it alone. Any takers? On the way home we stopped and looked at the buffalo. They are so cool.
Pictures: Walter the Poodle; two shots of our picnic spot; the frozen lake and cliffs on the other side; buffalo.