Saturday, September 11, 2010


Nope, that is not Gross National Product but it could be. I just got back from a lovely trip to Glacier National Park. ABSOFRICKINLUTELYLOVELY!!!!!! I went with my favorite sister Ellen (I only have one sister...that I know father was in the military). We spent four nights camped at Apgar, our favorite campground in the park. This trip we spent a lot less time driving around and more time relaxing, though we did drive up to Logan Pass and to Polebridge, and to Kintla Lake. I learned something very important. Chevy Aveos are not suited for the Kintla Lake Road. But we made it anyway with Ellen keeping the screaming to a minimum. Kintla Lake was beautiful and amazing. I really want to go back there with my canoe. The bakery at Polebridge was wonderful as always. Lake McDonald perfection, Avalance gorge stunning. It did not rain on us the first night or the first full day, but then it cut loose and rained most of the rest of the time. One afternoon after getting drenched at Avalance Gorge and the cedar grove we drove to Whitefish for dinner. Our favorite spot is McKenzie River Pizza. Good shit. I still smell like garlic.

Even though it was rainy and the clouds were low we hit up Logan Pass and Going to the Sun road before we left the park. The clouds swirling and dancing around the tops of the mountains was breathtaking. Tendrils of mist were sweeping up the valley, hitting the tops of the mountains and then dissipating on the other side of the divide. While my sister was sensible and sat in the car away from the snow and sleet I took a stroll up the Hidden Lake trail. I was just going to walk around on the little paved path but was pulled higher and higher. For a long time I was the only person around. I had a weird thought. If you climb Mt. Everest (or K2...whichever one is really higher), there is no more up on the whole planet. That is it. I wonder if those folks then get bored or don't give a shit about some hokey little hilltop in the Ozarks. Or Logan Pass. I would hate for that to happen to me. But then again I am pretty sure I am not climbing in the Himalayas.

So here are some pictures. I am just going to slap them on in no order but they are from the drive to Polebridge/Kintla, Lake McDonald, Avalanche Gorge, and Logan Pass.

Saturday, September 04, 2010


Things have been a bit low key for the past couple of weeks. On the 24th Nancy and I went for a full moon paddle on Fishtrap Lake. I do not have any pictures because; a) it was dark and b) I forgot the camera. It was darn cool. The moon was full and the cliffs around the lake were a glowing blue. A heron buzzed over us twice about 10 feet above. It was unbelievably cold and luckily I had some extra clothing in the back of the car. I love paddling in the dark even though it is rather eerie. I guess that is part of the draw. We paddled around 6 miles and got home around 1:00am. Last week we also took a little hike up at Mt. Spokane. Yup, I forgot the camera that time as well. We picked huckleberries and had a nice picnic.
I found some really cool spots the other day. It started out with a trip to Mt. Gear to get some bear spray. Walter went with me because he likes to visit everyone there. Then I decided to go down and check out the river above the 9 mile dam to see if the water level has gone up. I have been wanting to paddle there but the water has been too low. It is still low so we walked around on the bank for a bit. Then I decided to go check out the river below the dam. I ended up taking a 60 some mile detour. I found all sorts of cool places before the river dumps into the Columbia. I think I have been in that area once or twice. I checked out a couple more dams and found a really cool wildlife area called the Devil's Gap where Walter and I got out in the rain and went for a walk. Yesterday I stopped by Northwest Maps and picked up a good Spokane River and Lake Roosevelt/Columbia River map. I feel like a whole new world just opened up for me not far from my house. The area between 9 mile dam and Fort Spokane is definitely going to be on the "too explore" list.
But before I do that...I AM GOING TO GLACIER PARK!!!! I am totally jacked. It is one of my favorite places on the planet and late summer is my favorite time to visit. And I will be there soon...
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